Jerry L. Pierce

Meetings & Activities  
 Means new stuff
March 23, 2004

To The Editor:

It was a solemn day for Natick when we learned that Michael Moran was fired as Executive Director of TCAN by its Board of Directors. I was stunned; I felt deeply violated as one of the original volunteers.

As I contemplated what I could do, I checked out the list of Directors to see with whom I should speak. I had to go no further. There at the top of the list as chairman was the name George Fiske. I verified that this indeed was the same George Fiske who was chairman of the Board of Trustees of Framingham Union Hospital at the time of its merger with Leonard Morse Hospital. Yes, the same George Fiske who helped secure Murray Leipzig from Chicago as CEO of Framingham Union with what was an outrageous contract at that time. For most MetroWest folks, I need say no more. Time and events since that “done deal” have said it all.

So now we have another “done deal” by George Fiske, backed by his money and influence. I feel that history has repeated itself. We, the backbone of TCAN, are paying the price for actions spearheaded by one or a few on the Board, followed by the easily persuaded. I realize that the Moran mentorees do not want to engage in any likeness of the tactics by the Board, but I believe the public is entitled to know some background.

I for one have had enough experience with a self-perpetuating board that acts with arrogance and defiance of guidelines established even by the state. It is apparent that due diligence was not exercised by the Board when Mr. Fiske was allowed to bring in a development director on the rebound from interviewing for a position at Mass Horticultural Society where his ex-wife presides as co-chair. This conflict of interest is no less than insider trading, and certainly not ethically acceptable even in a non-profit organization.

Because Natick sold TCAN the old firehouse at a purposely-low price, I feel that Natick has a vested interest in TCAN. Therefore, our Board of Selectmen should do whatever it takes to protect the viability of the arts center. It would be a shame if the people of Natick lost another landmark in another hostile takeover.

Jerry L. Pierce

Property Managment