Open Letter to the Board Members from Lindalee A. Lawrence
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 Means new stuff

Dear Board Members:
It's hard to capture the essence of The Center for Arts in Natick. TCAN has offered so many wonderful arts opportunities to visual artists, quilters, performers and musicians. It is has become integral to the lives of
hundreds of those artists, volunteers and community members and their families and friends throughout the MetroWest area.

I have been personally involved as a supporter of the Jazz Jams through annual donations, volunteer work and attendance since their inception. I spent many years in the storefront, using the outside bathroom next door. But, I believe that it has been the spirit, commitment and energy of the founder, Michael Moran and his supporting community, that sustained, grew and symbolizes the essence of TCAN.

The board's decision to fire Michael, however well-considered, is a poor decision. The board's action separates the essence of TCAN from the physical Firehouse. Although the Firehouse is a stunning and beautiful performance facility, it remains what it is - a building - without essence. The living essence of the organization continues throughout a virtual community of activists who offer their volunteer spirit and resources in support of Michael Moran.

I ask that you consider reinstating Michael Moran as Executive Director, understanding that mediation will be necessary. I fear it may be too late to restore the essence to the building. I also ask that the board look to its own governance policies. I encourage each of you to read "The Attorney General's Guide for Board Members of Charitable Organizations". As the Guide says, "The Buck Stops with You." Your "duty of loyalty means that you
must act in good faith and in a manner that you reasonably believe is in the best interest of your charitable organization." True governance asks that you assess your own actions, have a nominating process, term limits and
board rotation.

Please reconsider your actions.

Lindalee A. Lawrence

Property Managment