To the Board from Roy Chambers
Meetings & Activities  
 Means new stuff
Dear Board of Directors,
As I earlier noted I would save my comments until after I met with other members (shareholders) of the TCAN community. On Sunday I had the opportunity to sit down for two hours with the backbone of the organization. I am calling them the backbone, because without them non-profit organizations can not survive. Though my family and I have only been active members for two years, we have attended functions at TCAN for several years and became members because of Michael Moran. I believe at this meeting I heard a fair representation of the events that led up to the Boards action to dismiss Michael.

So far, from what I have learned, the Board of Directors are only accountable to themselves and operate with far too much authority. Specifically, how the members are appointed and the lack of accountability the Board has to the shareholders (membership). I am also surprised the Board of Directors have not called for a meeting with the membership to explain their actions to this serious change that has so offended us. The membership, who have had no reason in the past to question the leadership, are now seeing a very autocratic organization that needs re-organization starting with an elected Board of Directors not a self appointed for life position.

I left the meeting feeling the Board of Directors have wakened the membership by slapping us on the back of the head. I am truly surprised at how TCAN's Board of Directors are appointed and the bylaws that govern the organization. I admit I do not have a copy of the bylaws. However, I am cognizant of how bylaws are created having studied the subject at the Quincy Labor Guild. Improper or bylaws that are illegal cannot be enforced. Statute laws direct how non-profit organization can operate and fall under the domain of the Attorney General and the Secretary of State.

I am frankly am not interested in speaking individually with any member of the Board as has been suggested. However, I would gladly attend a meeting with the membership and all the members of the Board of Directors present.

"A membership trampled on will be a membership that can roar."
Thank you, I await the meeting between the Board of Directors and the membership.
Roy Chambers

Property Managment