Open Letter from Linda Hirsch
Meetings & Activities  
 Means new stuff
To whom it may concern:

It is my sincere hope that the tense and unfortunate situation presently affecting the full and proper functioning of TCAN, can be brought to a prompt, full, and respectful resolution. A broader perspective and an atmosphere free of personal rancor need to be restored in order for healing to begin. Passionate commitment to artistic creativity, such as Michel Moran has shown, deserves to be respected, fostered, and, when necessary, tempered. Is this the "end of the line" for Michael or for TCAN as we know it? I sincerely hope not.

I do not have all of the facts upon which Michael Moran's temination was predicated, but I do hope that by his sharing his perspective at the Peace Abbey, Sherborn, MA, on Sunday, April 4th, some of the history behind this most divisive and highly-controversial action will begin to be shared by all parties and the process of true reconciliation can begin.

I have observed Michael Moran for many years; prior to the dream that became reality known as TCAN on Main Street and finally at the Firehouse, he patiently and personally acquired first-hand knowledge about the music scene in Boston and beyond. Having recently survived my own fledgling attempt at music promotion (for one benefit event), I respect deeply the fortitude and faith required by Michael to achieve his dream. He deserves to be heard and to be treated with the respect due anyone who has given so much of him/herself for so many years for the benefit of others. The issue is much greater than Michael Moran ~ it is about the process of growing artistic vision within a community respectful of its individual members and dedicated to sustaining each and all.

Sincerely, Linda J. Hirsch

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